Sunday, August 7, 2011

What will Obama do about this foreign policy dilemma.....?

There are a group of 26 CIA Officers.... US Citizens.... Federal Employees... that have been indicted in Italy for kidnapping. Shortly after 9-11, as part of an approved Op, they staked out a known Arab terrorist in Rome and whisked him away to Egypt where he was tortured. The Italians really want the CIA Officers extradited and tried in their courts for kidnapping, or put before the International Criminal Court in the Hague. This has not been an issue because the current Administration told the told the Italians to go pee up a rope. However, Italian newspapers report that after the Obama inauguration, The Italian Govt is going to pressure Obama to allow extradition. What will Obama do if this becomes a big media issue? Will he alienate his MoveOn base and say no, and risk showing that maybe he isnt all that much different tha the hated Bush? Or will risk his political capital with Middle America and try to deomstrate that there really is a new day in the US? Personally, I don't think the news media will even report it here, because they don't want to put their boy on the spot. But what do you think he will do?

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